A small fish in a big pond
Amongst the 2%, Damien Fagon pushes for better representation, restorative justice, and agricultural education for all black people like himself while taking care of and managing one of America's most flourishing hemp farms. Situated in Hudson Valley, New York the 33 year old entrepreneur got his eyes set on the super plant of hemp in the year 2015. Paired with the health benefits of hemp, Fagon also realized this could be a cash crop for his community and a way to give back and stimulate the economy in an organic and sustainable way.

Upon getting his feet set, Fagon noticed some disparities in the cannabis industry. They were not met with opened arms as over-billing and overcharging became a frequent for them. "The people with the knowledge make those entering think that what they're about to embark on is impossible". That did not stop them from opening up Gullybean Farm in Hudson Valley, NY.
Inspiring generations to come
Fagon's main goal among many others is to get young black people and POC to be excited about farming again. Damian Fagon took up a partnership with Medgar Evers College which is a predominantly black public institute in Brooklyn. There he is working with them to develop a curriculum focused on cannabis and hemp industries. With the recent passings of cannabis and hemp related laws in NY, Fagon sees this as a potential "green rush" similar to what happened in Colorado and Washington in the year 2012. Fagon wants to make sure the next generation of black hemp farmers are positioned to get in from the ground floor and find success.
After being refused help from most locals, an Asian American farmer had spent a lot of time with Fagon teaching him the ins and outs of hemp farming. In the year 2020 they had an amazingly successful first harvest that was sort of spoiled by the onset of the corona-virus pandemic. After some time re-grouping, Fagon finally released their first product of a CBD tincture and are feeling very confident for the upcoming grow season.
Damien Fagon's success story is one of a few that has happened within the U.S. At this current moment, black Americans are desperately under-represented in the agriculture industry at an astonishing 2%. Specifically in the cannabis and hemp industry, there is a severe lack of representation by the black and POC community for the reason that the barriers for them to enter are much higher and more strict. Amazing entrepreneurs like Damien Fagon are actively trying to make a difference in this.
How to support
Spreading awareness and supporting locally owned black farms are one of the more effective things we can do as readers. GullyBean farm can be supported at gullybean.com. Head their to shop their products, and learn more about their team and values!
Great article! thank you for sharing this blog. Really love it.
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