Back to School Advice For the Adventurer

Back to School Advice For the Adventurer

School is starting soon, but that does not mean the flow of adventure has to come to an end. If you feel like summertime is when you thrive and going back to school feels like a real bummer and a half, here are 5 tips that will keep your life exciting, peaceful, and fun, even when you have to go to school. 

Remember That School is Only One Part of Your Day

Between the number of hours you spend at school, homework, and social pressures, it can quickly feel like school is your life. Remind yourself that school is only one part of your day and only a tiny piece of your entire life.
In terms of time and the amount school takes away from you, remember you have before school, after school, and weekends to keep on finding adventure. 
Even if it’s just watching the sunset every afternoon after school, stargazing between finishing your homework and going to bed, a hike on the weekend, or a walk during a study break, there are so many ways to keep life fun during the school year. For the extra busy times throughout the school year, check out this blog post for some ideas to add quick and easy adventure into your life.  
A lot of people have a tough time navigating the social pressures in high school. If this is you, you are definitely not alone. It can be easier said than done but practice reminding yourself that when you are not physically at school, school and the people there do not exist in your reality. 
This can be extra hard in the world of social media, so if you are struggling with this, do things that get you away from your phone. Go on a mountain drive or hike where you don’t have service, and do your favorite activities and hobbies as often as you can. 

Create Your Dream Morning Routine

Okay, before you gag at the idea of waking up even earlier than you have to for school, just hear me out.
Maybe you would end up waking up earlier, but imagine your mornings brought you so much happiness and peace that they left you feeling energized for the rest of your day.
I don't know about you, but when I hit the snooze button on my alarm, those 10 minutes of extra sleep equal nothing but a high-stress morning and a lot of wasted energy as I run around trying to get ready and make it on time. 
So just try it, and try it enough times to let your body get used to it and give it a real chance. 
Wake up extra early for school and make your dream morning routine. Make it your own filled with the things that fill you up with the most joy, but here are a few ideas to add to your morning.

  • Watch the sunrise
  • Get outside
  • Make coffee and drink it slowly 
  • Go on a walk
  • Write in a journal
  • Do something creative such as drawing or painting
  • Take your time to get ready
  • Make a playlist specifically for your mornings
Even if it’s just a tiny bit earlier than the time you have to get up, try it and see how a happy, peaceful morning can make your day incredible. 

Keep Doing Your Favorite Summer Activities

School starting does not mean summer is over yet. This is dependent on where you live- when school starts for you and what the weather patterns are like- but generally there are still quite a few weeks between the first day of school and when the weather gets colder.
I think we all associate back to school with fall, but really, there is still a whole lot of summertime left. Until the weather changes, keep on swimming, hiking, sunbathing, running down empty streets with your friends on warm nights, sitting under the shade of a tree, and everything else that means ‘summer’ to you. 

Do Your Homework Outside

While the grass is still green, the air is still warm, and the sun stays up past 5 P.M., take advantage of this and do your homework outside as often as possible.
Work with the ins and outs of your schedule to make homework a little more fun, while soaking in every last drop of warm weather you can. If you play a sport after school, do your homework on the grass while you’re waiting to be picked up. If you have to walk your dog after school, bring your backpack and walk to the park of your favorite spot with a view and stay there for a little while. 
For study breaks you can stare at the clouds, draw what you see around you, or even bring paints outside with you- which are all way more fun than staring at your phone while sitting at a desk. 

Keep Being Fully Yourself

Going from the freedom of summer break to long days at school is hard in a lot of ways. 
In summer it’s easy to run around outside all day and drive from one place to the next with the windows down without caring about the dirt on your feet and beneath your nails and the tangles in your hair. At school, you might just worry someone will judge you. 
In summer it’s easy to wear whatever you want, and at school, it’s way too easy to compare your clothes to other people’s and worry way too much about following trends, repeating outfits, and too many other things. 
Being at school can be nerve-wracking and it can feel difficult to be yourself and not worry about judgment. From someone who used to waste an abundance of energy worrying about what people thought about me, I can tell you that it’s just that- a waste of energy.
It might be way easier said than done, but make it a point to keep on being fully yourself when you start school. If you feel happiest and most like yourself when your feet are dirty, your hair is tangly, and your outfits are funky, colorful, and cool, then don’t stop letting this part of you show. 
I promise nobody is judging you, even if your mind tells you they are. 
Keep doing all the hobbies and activities that fill you up with joy, wear the outfits that make you want to dance, and just keep being yourself. You will be so much happier throughout the school year. 
School is here, and so is that adventurous life that you fell in love with over the summer. A life you love is entirely possible to create and maintain, as long as you never let go of your dreams and the pieces of you that make you, you.
Written by @peaceofliv

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